this is macgyver on drugs

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The weather service was wrong. They said the rain would start at eleven last night. It started at 10:46pm. It rained hard all through the night and it has been raining hard in bursts alternating with sunny patches all today. I picked the wrong time to push everything out of my mind.

I had determined to do it in the rain, to just detach from the world and fuck off completely in the rain. So I did.

The flash I had yesterday evening to remind MacGyver that his stuff was still out in the yard left my head before it got said.

I couple minutes ago I noticed the tool shed door was open. I put on my clothes and went out to see what the heck he could be doing out there in the rain. He wasn't there. The whole thing was exactly as it was yesterday, tool box wide open and many drawers. It's a tool aquarium now, and I can't call him because he drowned his phone last week.

always and any time....