too damn childish — rewritten when i was awake enough to say it

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I can hang with a basis in reality for this brand new archon meme, but that's about as far as it goes. The rest is made up, cobbled together from a thousand different childish fantasies that resonated with enough people to build into something that guarantees a following... guarantees pacified masses.

In this conversation, there is enough of a basis in real world observables, and in altered states that are not unusual when you are not hypnotized — for instance, Stanley's experience at Giza when he was 15 is 100% believable because something quite nearly identical happened to me at 18 — to make you want to listen, but as you go you find it's all heaped over with an extremely thick and sugary goo here that is... that is, in the end, just glue... just a deep pit of glue and out of which all too few will ever emerge.

Sing a song, play guitar... tell a tale... make it snappy....

I'd cede that those flying amoebae could be real, even as I've decided they are almost certainly microscopic critters on lenses that are hit by light just so. I could be induced to at least provisionally accept them as the wuwu version of real and causing some sort of malignancy in some humans. Better would be that we just realize some people are not the same creature as we are, that they are spectacularly humanoid, but only impostors. Whatever. I could get there, at least temporarily, but... the rest? Not so much.

It's just more license for people to wait for Godot instead of grow into full adulthood, instead of live up to ourselves. It's pathetic and it's really starting to piss me off.


I once brought a friend who was smacking herself around to fend off psychic attacks to see my teacher. It helped her a great deal to learn about how energetics are misused and ways to render them ineffective. I was fairly vexed about the whole thing because I am so sensitive and have never been brought to any such a state by anything that seemed remotely malign and invisible like that. I asked what accounts for it? Do psychic attacks just never happen to me or are they just not threatening enough to me that I notice them? My teacher assured me it was the latter.

I did a lot of thinking about this, and it connected with a number of incidents in my life where actual physical threats were coming upon me and I effortlessly defended myself in ways that did and still do defy the laws of public physics, but that wasn't what was happening with my friend. She would be alone in her room and people who wanted to use her would be mauling her energetically from a distance, quite a distance. All I can say about this is, my teacher knows from this sort of thing, and if it's happening to me and I'm impervious, it only ever adds up to my sensing of the misery and fear in my proximity... that is the way it shakes out around people. When my attention is vital, it pulls me like a tractor beam. When it isn't, it doesn't.

So. I'm still at having to counsel that this stuff is moot — even when/if existent — and ours to deal with. The great cosmos will deal with us individually and severally as is warranted, despite any tales to the contrary we can think up to spread and try to make powerful. All one can do is work on oneself. Things are so bad we need huge numbers on this individual project. More than we have now. If we can't create a strong enough enlightening being, the psychopaths have living things for as long as anything's still alive.

Is protecting yourself from the cold light of truth seriously more important to you than that? Do you think making the fairytales they pumped you with as a child your permanent refuge will save you? Or do you think you already grew out of those? Did you search for truth and take a Mister Fantasy's word for it? Did you get anywhere? And how good a living is he making off it?

always and any time....