today in khoonkhwuttunne

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Okay, man. It's frickin' hot here today. Yesterday it rained about ten times and pretty nice and wetly. Today it hit somewhere up around 87º early, sun felt like it wanted to boil my skin before it was even noon, but it's down to a paltry 82º and muggy, muggy, muggy. Summer is almost gone, but it will keep kicking up for the next six weeks or so, if, that is, California will act like California, which is anyone's guess these days. Used to be hotter in September and October than it ever gets in the full summer... but this far north it does generally start raining intermittently during these weeks.

So I wanted to tell you about it, about the gorgeous rain we had and then next day bumps up a minimum of twenty degrees and chases you back into the shade the moment you try to pop your head out. I managed to overcome heat torpor and get to the grocery store and the gas station and the bank and back here and hauling everything inside and I'm not flat on my face on the bathroom floor.

Clean living.

No grains!

I'm fucking functional!

It can't last.

And, I know I must've told you about her before, but I met Janice when I was a Freshman in high school. I spent a whole day making a peace symbol out of wire in class as a sophomore and gave it to her at Fillmore West that very night, spending Santana's full set getting from the door up to the stage, got there just as Big Brother and the Holding Company came on, and handed it to her right after the first song. She thanked me by name, even though it had been nearly a year since we'd been introduced, and stuck it somewhere on her person. I think in her bra, but maybe there was a breast pocket on her blouse. She was a nice lady. A seriously nice lady. Not even a little snotty. Easy to approach. Easy to love.

always and any time....