okay okay

[click image]


I am acutely aware that I very recently admonished you against slavery to things not ultimately more actual than mere convention, but this does in no way mean I will quit flipping out when people do shit like pronounce "hegemony" |hegenomy| or say "exasperate" when they mean "exacerbate" or use the plural of "phenomenon" when they are talking about a single object of perception. People I love and/or admire do this shit all the time. And I'm almost witless with distress that so very many people to whom the English language is native to, do what I just did, as illustration, in the first clause of this sentence. I have seen the word "whoa" spelled so many different ways by now that I'm probably in a coma in a South American jungle hospital, and the number of people who let spellcheckers insert nonsense or use the wrong fucking pronoun for fucksakes has sent me screaming naked off a cliff a number of times.

I'll just go muddle my way through making another cup of coffee now.

always and any time....