no idea what a jackass he's making of himself

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And it galls me the more because he sat his ass off in his youth and still has not the first part of a clue. There's a mob of these fucks who have been fatally wounded by a not-only-American exceptionalism and they prance around, arrogant as fuck, like ganders trying to act large enough to cap yo ass. He keeps going on about the "big nothing" that determines your every thought and action and declares we have no free will. He winnowed it all the way down to the absolute crux and still completely missed it.

Now that is evil.

That is a psychopath.

He goes on and on about people having peak experiences in both their religious and not religious endeavors, and concludes that this means none of these can signal real insight, utterly neglecting to consider that peak experiences are not all one thing, and obviously some parsecs too shallow to realize that ultimate truth cannot be said or thought, that there are a million routes to it and then people can say and think it just fine, but it's not going to be understood by others who have not experienced it.

He seems to grok you-are-not-it, but he completely misses it-actually-is-you.

These guys think that graduating from institutes of higher indoctrination and associating with others with those "lofty" credentials gives them the kind of intellectual superiority to take up matters such as these.


They're morons. They are programmed morons who get so much ego mileage out of it they are outright incapable of amending themselves, incapable of having been worth the air and water and food and attention they've used up. They're not even going to realize it on their deathbeds. They insist humans are programmed because they are programmed.


always and any time....