i've been meaning to bring this up

[click image]


But someone else, more than one someone else, did it for me.


Strictly speaking, more than two someones else, and GeorgeAnn, rendered at a perpetually near bag lady financial status by her prodigious audio archive, has suffered the loss of numerous old appliances from her antique home wiring, and now must not only replace all the dead items, but the killer wiring as well, because it is on the point of now setting her house ablaze.

I'm certainly in no position to be anything approximating a real help to her, except insofar as I can let you know she's suffering down there, and maybe call around for something like a Habitat for Humanity office in Oklahoma... so... if you can squeeze out some dough, she's in a state down there and could so do with a sugar daddy about now.

always and any time....