i don't mean to be a pain in the ass

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But I feel I must impress upon you that Solari is not just for investors... not just for people with two nickels to rub together. It is for people who want to make their lives count for a positive presence of humans on Planet Earth. You know I am just about the most economically-challenged person you are likely to meet on the complicated system of pipes, if not, I remind myself every single time I start feeling sorry for myself, homeless and/or starving like too many of my fellows, but, even so, I have investments in all manner of things in the ten directions.

Yes, my banking needs are less onerous than many teenagers' allowance management, but, guess what, Chase can't have the 5¢ interest to be made off my deposits every month. Locals get it instead... and I make sure to leave a little balance on my credit card so they get the interest on that too. And maybe, only maybe, it will cost a little more for shipping to buy something I could pick up at the hardware store through Etsy, but usually not, and I can't express how much better it feels to buy stuff from people who give a damn about my happy purchase instead of continuing to dully plonk my scarce resources right down into the psycho pit of American materialism whenever I must purchase something. There are people out there trying to make their grocery money from their craftsmanship, and feeding my brothers and sisters instead of providing an extra fixture on some heartless fuck's yacht is satisfying to say the least.

Plus, I got to meet a few of the Solari members earlier this summer at the lunch in Nicasio and at the conference in Silicon Valley. OMG! I'm still not over how great that felt. Think of your dream blog... a place where you could go every day and not only find informative and inspiring posts, but a bunch of really engaged and positive commenters to babble with, to bounce ideas off... that's sort of like meeting Solari members... only less emotionally fulfilling than the face-to-face. You know I was ready to bonk them on the head if they were just posturing yuppies. You know that for sure by now.

No! They're all like you and me, people who care with their whole lives and want badly to conspire for the beautiful world we want but don't have.

always and any time....