for instance

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Maybe you're not seized with need of sweaters of such satisfying ginormity and softness as to see you through your winters without flipping on that mother fucking thermostat. You might not be. I think you're crazy, but maybe you're not, so you skip all the fabulous things you can find when digging through the listings for upcycled sweaters. Seriously. That's cool.

But what if you just ran to pee and snapped at the sight of the chaos overtaking the integrity of your bathroom sink, sat there whining softly to yourself that a shabby chic shelving over there just to the left of the wash basin could solve a lot of demoralized visits to the bathroom and improve the prospects for house cleaning days too. What if that happened to you?

You could be back and looking at the precise thing for it in nearly less time than it took to pull your pants back up, that's what, and a couple more of your countrymen could eat dinner one more time because of you refusing to buy another piece of crap from, say, Bed, Bath & Beyond. Doesn't that sound gratifying? Or do you like milling around with the rest of the rabble at the box stores? Insuring billionaires' stocks stay high. Raping the planet and masses of brown people each time you cave in to even your most modest expressions of materialism.

A sudden surge of patriotism? Maybe you're unhappy with how old you smell? Maybe you're fixing to throw a party? You could still be worried about Fukushima or wanting to guard against prostate or breast cancer? Meaning to stop eating crap to avoid cooking? It could be you miss your mother's cooking? Your feet are cold? Could be your office is depressing you. That so happens. Or your garden needs something....

You catch my drift, no?

Yes, it could be that you're making your way back to the pharmacy section and some fuzzy socks are on ridiculously cheap sale out of the corner of your eye on the way by. That happens. But mostly not and there's a better world on the other side of starving the fuckers out. Every one of us who makes the promise to ourselves that we're going to do better, going to bring our debt down to the bare minimum and do more with less, and make sure it's a decent person instead of a killer in a suit with whom we transact, even if we can't find a mom'n pop anywhere in a fifty-mile radius, adds to the general happiness. Every one of us.

And what about stopping at that local bank or credit union to find out how they can help you out? Maybe you can transfer your mortgage from Fuckhead International to Decent Types Local... or your car loan! Maybe you can't nix your credit card/s, but what about having them through the local people instead of the vampires? Do you know these financial institutions are nicer to you, and less likely to steal from you, from the git than the vampires ever are?

Are you laboring under some dumb contract to use your frickin' carcinogenic mobile phone? You don't have to! And you could help rid the world of that horse shit by moving your cell phone business away from the fuckheads.

And I'm just talkin' poor people, okay? If you have a little money, what would be the problem with, say, helping to put a bright kid through vet school and/or helping them open a practice in your neighborhood? Or financing the return of a local shoe repair shop! I'm sure enough of your neighbors miss the shoe repair to death by now to make that a going concern. Maybe the banks pulled the plug on more small businesses around you and there's one you can help back into the black like it was before the bank tried to sink them... or fish out from the bottom of the tank and restore to normal operations.

Maybe you can just settle for swearing never to let your handyman buy materials from a box store... or at least not from the worst of the box stores. It could be there's a local dairy that wants to sell you milk, or someone selling chicken eggs, or produce from their garden. Those beat the grocery store with a stick. How much money do you spend on fast toxins at the drive up window every week? Could shopping for decent car snacks with that money instead fix the problem? I am trying to point out ways to lessen the harm, ways to direct however much or little money leaves your grubby mitts that lessen the harm to the whole world... from right there in your town.

It's doable! And it cheers you up.

And, above all, tell others about it. Make it happen!

I swear, there isn't anyone left in your town who won't like the idea.

always and any time....