darling sheepies

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You probably didn't do this three hours when I brought it up the first time. There are some riveting points being made here and ones every one of us needs to hear and rehearse. It's the weekend. You could turn it on while you're puttering. Best to watch the video version of it if you want to see the pictures, but even just listening will do 'er.


Whatever they want you to believe this badly, you better be sure to question.


I mean, maybe you think I've gone 'round the bend with my leaping into the secret space program fray, but it's not about wuwu or a fascination with stories of alien races flanking us in literally every direction. It's because of the one part of all this that I feel has been shown to be actual, spacecraft not hydrocarbon propelled.

Too many people have seen them. Old Uncle Dave saw the gig at Kecksburg and just way too many strangers with no reason whatever to all be lying about it. Contrary to a very popular notion, I don't think we needed any help from space aliens to get the technology together to pull this off. And we have definitely the incentive to work nonstop on this.

So thinkers not afraid to consider seemingly fantastical claims are apt to have taken this seriously. Equally, these thinkers take the means to finance it seriously. If you have paid attention to what Carlson is saying here, you will grok that "the great work" has been, for millennia, to conceive and engineer and put into play the means to keep the earth, everything living on it, safe from cosmic cataclysms.

Not everyone has been deluded about this imperative at any time over the course of these millennia. And you can maybe contemplate that the reason there persists so much loathing-sodden confusion about secret societies — the dread Illuminati, the malign Freemasons, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera — is that they have been conspiring these tens of centuries to get a lock on this one objective.

Finding that great power inheres keeping this secret, inbreeding to help insure that it stays secret, we end up with the evolution of psychopaths risen to the station of global control, not that worried about what they do to this planet in the course of their great work because they can get off it. Maybe they started out planning to let us in on it at some point, but it's been too fucking profitable to omit that part, keep floundering around with bollox science and history, slaving our butts off to keep their ability to live lives of uninterrupted ease 24/7/365 for the rest of time.

We have become to their way of thinking such risible examples of dupable idiots they don't even want us tainting their atmosphere, let alone bloodlines, here or anywhere else anymore, if they ever did. They endure us as long as we keep them all-powerful and basking in oceans of ease.

Simple as that. No need for any space aliens at all. I am not saying that there are no space aliens. I'm just saying that we totally could be out here alone at the rim of the galaxy, never encountered by beings from elsewhere, and still have engineered spacecraft of intergalactic capability. Keeping the general population blind to it has kept them able to pull this off and leave us out of it. If we are deceived and terrified, all we are good for is following the herd.

If we are not, we are able to make them include us in their plans... or able to supplant them in them... able to ruin everything with our blind terror and greed for the power to escape it. I know I keep bludgeoning you with this, but each and every human who shuns the work of enlightening is the problem itself, and it is outright immaterial whose fault that is. It's our responsibility.

always and any time....