charge them with arson

[click image]


That's what grownups would do.


Since I wanted to find out more about this guy, I've been looking around and reading the discussion on his channel and under some of his vids. I was particularly interested in where he was showing the "HAARP" bursts breaking up systems, punching down on them with tall columns of air... since, of course, the official story is that the HAARP array in Alaska is shut down, although receiving funding one more year, postponing being dismantled pending takeover by a university.

Someone seems damn certain HAARP has not been active. Here and continuing here. Which brings to my mind, not that it is different HAARP arrays doing this, but that it could be those holes being punched in the systems are coming from space... coming from whatever held off Erin on 9/11... coming from whatever powderized the Twin Towers on 9/11....

I'm racking up so many uses for so many different kinds of scientists, few of whom can even be trusted, that I may be forced into omniscience in self defense. I'm such a moron from lack of correct sleep that the handyman said it was better if he went off to the rez store for my cigarettes... not liking the idea of me trying to turn onto the highway in this state. An omniscient moron. Should I maybe rename my blog?

always and any time....