a bitter pill
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I know it is a bitter pill for many, many people, but the plain truth is not only the closest most people ever get to God, but also the only route to becoming an infinity of uninterrupted love. Hard to look back at all the semi-truths spun so as to put Amy in that certain light guaranteed to attract your allegiance, how you fell for them, but, almost certainly, not even she realizes she's doing it. At most, she secretly fears she's doing it and so goes out of her way to do some ceremonially positive thing like give someone cool more airtime or praise. Amazing what serves as balm for nameless guilts of busy people, but, seriously, something as gratuitous as extra flattery for a struggling investigative journalist does the trick.
Don't view this as coming from a superior attitude either. Take 9/11. Truthers go on about how if the public only knew what happened, that would change everything. The public, all of us, knows what happened... knows it had nothing to do with 19 Middle Eastern terrorists with box cutters. Everyone at the airport knows they aren't being protected against terrorism by the DHS agents feeling them up. Just like Amy knows the damage she's doing... in the part of the mind we all were trained away from heeding... the part that requires us to be more demonstratively positive, special seeming, in whatever ways we can think to heap more air on air... to, maybe, loudly disparage someone who hit his wife or kid, or pedophiles, or the bad [other] party, or to fawn over someone cleverly addressing some problem or cause, or donate to Habitat for Humanity, or stick up for someone in the grocery line who is being berated for using food stamps... you know... safe things.
Same with all the other stuff that is blinking neon all the way wrong and you can't stand to stand against. You even know it's not okay. But you want to be one of the people they don't kill, they don't harm harder than they are already harming, and you want to think well of yourself along the way.
They know this about you.
They know that even if you manage to move forward and up in your determination to live a good and noble life, you will settle for making a good living at it, or becoming famous for it, never daring to actually do it even one more time for fear of loss of status. Nice of them, ain't it, to give you status first in exchange for ceasing to impede their progress? I mean, they could just go straight to the killing you part. So they pretty clearly respect your initiative, your courage... even though they won't stand for it unless they are held at gunpoint.
You won't hold them at gunpoint.
always and any time....