today in burning our house down zen
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Another map to consult, to manipulate into showing you the fires shrinking.
Last night I took a pill. The quality of my sleep had been getting fishier and fishier over the last week and I was starting to have to try to pull my IQ up from a vast distance. This is always confusing for me because the serenity that sets up when you are losing your acuity starts to feel like enlightenment before it gets too bad. You think your tanking thyroid has been revived and your work to get with the ancients is finally paying off.
So I always have to weed out sleep deprivation and thyroid tanking from my bouts of serenity before I go skipping off to shower the mountainsides covered with singing buddhas with jewel encrusted flower garlands. This time it was sleep. I may be getting the hang of both my infirmities and my strengths.
See the acuity is the most important thing. One needs the vitality, energy, spirit for great enlightening being, I'd say, because they deliver the needed acuity to function sanely, to be counted heavily in the plus column, to use your life for things that ever enhance the cosmic undertaking of life itself, to not leave this vale having squandered the air and food and water it took to get you from birth to death.
Psychopaths hate this the most of anything. It terrifies them. It stands in their way. It, worst of anything, is the one thing that defeats them. It would be why I am not going to stop hassling you about it. It explains why they are so big on dumping things into our air and food and water that drain our acuity and muddle us while they are killing us.
So last night I realized I had been digging too deeply to drag up my acuity from hyperspace, that it was taking everything else out of my head to do it. I do not think it is my thyroid tanking again, since that's all been jake for the past few months since I made the switch back to the natural supplement from the synthetic crap it takes explosives to knock loose from my doctor's brain. And, while the enlightenment is there, I'm digging and digging and forgetting my coffee and taking out the garbage and the fifty things needing taken care of, so this is definitely the lack of sleep quality catching up with me and if I don't take a pill, soon I will be ridiculously emotional about the least thing and blubbering here over nothing, blubbering here over something that can only get resolved if I'm not blubbering. So take that fucker. That's what it's here for.
I took it, and, yep, that was the matter. I had to get some sleep that was something more closely related to human sleep. It's not perfect. It keeps you mostly from the REM needed to cap off the other phases, but usually after you've had enough of the other phases and the pill's worn off then you drop and all the missing REM barrels in like a freight train in one shot. So... I might drop in a few hours.
But, even for as deeply as I was having to reach last night, I noticed something in the comment section at Jon's that it strikes me is important to use as a reminder. He did another sterling post about vitally important things, another really good job in the project of helping our peers out of the death soup people call "civilization" these days, telling you how you want to be wary of the ebola scare.
The part I want to highlight though is the comments. Invisible Mikey started us off with what some might fear is an uber-intelligent rebuttal, and, indeed, a few people did already fall into that trap before I came in to deflate that smug fucker's little balloon. I mention this now because it is a vivid illustration of how much time is wasted by conditioned mentality brazening out the appearance of higher intelligence... instead of just plain using it.
Look at all the people, Tina, Sam, Theodore were sent looking for what might be true and spinning their wheels, befuddled by Mikey's bullshit self-image problem needing to leave a pile of poop on that thread. And how many lurkers' time was pissed away over it? The most precious commodity to mortals. Pft. Gone.
Think of all the times you have read blog posts from fuckers like that. The flame wars in the comments sections from fuckers like that and from the tone deaf confused people just trying to see what the heck is what. Think how this alone impedes your way to your own acuity. It could be the death of us if enough of us do not learn to discern between true mind and the filthy little poser ego twaddle. Even the vast complement of charlatans purporting to teach Zen have left in the part about not wasting time.
I can't even remember who might first have said it, but it has come down through millennia to us. It sounds so almost trivial, and scares a lot of people that Zen involves too much toiling, that you have to be out raking or hoeing or scrubbing pots from when you get up to when you drop, and waking up really is a lot of hard work, though not as hard as holding up the ego ruse, but the message is far deeper.
"Don't waste time!" means don't use up time upholding twaddle. True life awaits those leaving twaddle and helping others out of it. Your life is dropping the twaddle, spending the minutes you have as a living being here to enhance life itself.
The ancients really did a pretty good job of encoding the truth in their teachings such that serious people could exhume it down the centuries and use it. I think Zen has been ruined, but the truth hasn't and it is up to those of us who understand to come up with ways to bring reality back to life.
always and any time....