the great anonymous top echelon psychopaths

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I need to remind you of something extremely important. Conspiracy. It need not be an actual group of people sitting down together to plot out a course of events, though, certainly, that does happen plenty and has throughout history. It only takes a group of like-minded people acting on their own behalf without any particular communication between them to create something that looks as though only a sit down smoke-filled room conspiracy could have brought it about.

You can't tell the sit down kind from the walking around kind because you can never be certain they didn't make a sit down so secret you can't find it, but you should never lose sight of this fact. That conscious plotting with a group is no different than a group completely out of touch with each other acting alone out of identical or very similar motives.

You get enough people with the same world view, the same outlook, the same motives and it looks exactly as though they conspired, even if they don't know each other, never met each other, never even heard of each other. This is precisely why so many groups vie for our attention, never look up from the daily effort of propagandizing us to cinders. This is precisely why the media have been bought up or otherwise bent to serve. Getting everybody thinking the same thing is what drives events... what constitutes our delusory-but-none-the-less-lethal notions of "the real world".

Nobody can identify who's making Obama act like such a dick... I mean, beside his obviously native dickishness.

Some are screaming it's the Jews! Others place it in Elizabeth II's lap. The pope! The Jesuits! The Rothschilds! Freemasons! Satanists! Reptilians! Zardoz!

What if it's all of them?

What if it is purely a matter of psychopaths doing what they do, rising to the top, all of them having identical attitudes and it's one or another of them with a sufficient-enough grip on Obama's deformed gonads to make him dance? Why would they do this in the Ukraine? That's perfectly simple! Putin is not a psychopath. He cares about humanity. Jesus. That's a no-brainer.

The only thing that stops them from going in and killing him and any ally they can perceive he has is that they are unsafe when the world doesn't view their aggression as righteous. They'll get killed back if they don't have the cloak of righteousness to mask their real intent. Ukraine is about the only place left where people are confused enough to be led to believe Putin is a villain out to ruin all our lives.

They need what room for PR coups they can yet scrounge up.

That's how you know you can go back and pick out any big public villain you ever heard about and find out they were not even close to as villainous as you've been told they were. Every time! Hardly anybody realizes the extent of their brainwashing — like those idiots insisting what was in their college textbooks is the physics — you gotta go back and back and extract the lies with tweezers. That is the crux of the matter.


Never forgetting, of course, the usual military/industrial/intelligence/mercenary complex that is running out of places it can easily milk without too much personal risk. I mean, that goes without saying, but, since they're asking, and need a full answer, let's not omit that part.

always and any time....