my fellow codgers

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I admit it wouldn't have been possible to lose any weight at all if I had not gotten the thyroid supplement adjusted and switched to the natural kind, but, well, I have been eating all high fat and cholesterol kinds of things for fifteen months and I am 32 pounds lighter than when I nixed all grains and took up eating this way. I have not deprived myself of satisfying food. I have just eaten meat and cheese and yogurt and cream and half and half and sour cream and olives and pickles and nuts and non-cruciferous vegetables and blueberries and apples and chocolate and made my salad dressing from lemon and walnut or avocado oil, heavy to the bacon for all this time.

When your thyroid is too low, air is fattening. If you decided to starve yourself to death, or just became too listless to give enough of a damn about food to bother eating, both attractive to people with low thyroid, even then you'd die a fat person. Still, adjusting the supplement to the proper level to give you back your brain doesn't make the weight you gained while hassling with your doctor to help you, help you, help you or your life is over go away. No. You have to diet your ass off. You have to live miserably coming and going to try to live through this state of affairs.

Unless you get hip to what's gumming up your works and poisoning you to death.

If you take the warning, you get your life back.

always and any time....