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Maybe we've had enough. I don't want anymore death, but I remember my dreams of everyone in the streets. Mobs everywhere. A strange blend of chaos and jeopardy and elation and determination. Cops unwilling to gratify snitches. The little waxy oily Rovian blond creep who for a few years symbolized everything corrupt was hauled off to jail. I woke up from both those dreams feeling happy, despite them being scary. Maybe. Maybe we've had enough.


Nope. It's all 'colored people'. Doesn't matter how many times I invoke Russell Means [We're all indians now.] people are still separating themselves out per conditioning. The psychopaths have worked hard to keep this alive — and I'm talkin' psychopaths of both colors here — knowing as they do that everything depends on the old divide and rule. The secondary psychopaths and the tertiary psychopaths fall right into step, either side.

I'm sorry to report that it seems to me the black secondary and tertiary psychopaths are working the hardest to keep this happening. Yeah, yeah, there are skinheads, white supremacists, all forty or fifty of them, but there is a whole ghetto culture grown up around the color of your skin, still mad as heck about distant relatives they never even knew being abused by distant relatives whites never even knew, and it's doing shit like billionaires smearing shop clerks for assuming they can't buy a $50K bag all over international headlines and insisting an aggressive not-so-little punk shouldn't risk death when he jumps a little fat Hispanic prat and starts bashing his head on the pavement and punching old white people in the face for kicks and taking offense that Ebonics in English class is still considered improper.

Plenty to be angry about all around. One enemy of everybody keeping everybody at each other's throats, burning down the planet, and yet we are too stupid and small and terrified and... psychopathic... to do more than take it out on our fellows. Almost nobody is out there trying to do something effective... Russell was... but he's dead.

always and any time....