lest ye retain any shadow of a doubt

[click image]


You have to stop being terrified.


Oh, fer crapsakes. This thing starts out with a bang and goes along pretty much strong most of the way, but it degenerates badly when somebody brings Israel into it. Once and for all, people, John B. Wells is an avowed Fundamentalist Christian. I have almost no doubt his church is of the Christian Zionist stripe. This as been blaring at everyone for years now, driving me nuts for having felt he'd keep that crap down to a minimum, and enduring too many proofs to the contrary.

You'd think they would've asked around a little bit if they didn't know him well enough to just go off like that and then make us endure him going off like that. It's all twaddle by then. You'll note he doesn't let them even cite authorities for what they're saying. What were they thinking?

He's also been selling radiation detection equipment for years. As I have tested and retested, he, like Rense and Jones, refuses to address anything that mitigates public terror on the matter of death by radiation poisoning. All of them have crass commercialist reasons, but his are the strongest.

The comments on Fetzer's archive site post for this are psychedelic, though the little link for Duff admitting he's not always truthful is a gas in light of the righteous indignation with which any words contrary to his not wholly truthful commentary are met at his site.

I try not to turn a completely deaf ear to any of these people, because they're each good for bits of vital information from time to time, but, please, you can't be blind to the content of their character when you are dealing with any of them, and for all their virtuous proclamation, they're each beset with some really not very nice character flaws and convenient brain elisions, aka hypocrisy, in the crunch, which points directly to this new concept of tertiary psychopathy I've been talking about the past few days.

I bring this stuff up because it puts a light on what needs to drop off before decency can prevail. If you are going to choose it, you are going to love all the help that can possibly be piled on.


Oh, oh, and I know whereof I speak. My second cousin-in-law, Sandy, belongs to one of those Christian Zionist churches. We were extremely close, kind of adopted each other as sisters. She sent me the money to go down and stay near my dad for a while when my mother had him in a locked ward. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to be with him at all during that time. We are talking a sweet heart, has for my entire experience with her tried to be a good Christian in every situation, with her late husband, John, keeping her from driving everybody nuts with her religion.

Much to my utter dismay she has thrown herself body and soul into her church since John died. Maybe I should have gotten the hint when she declared it okay for me to worship Buddha [which I don't, but didn't correct her] so long as I worshipped some higher power, but I had to find out the hard way just how much John had been keeping her together all these years, and just what kind of church she's devoted to, it never having been explained to Buddhist me before, when I made one small comment about Israelis slaughtering Palestinians.

She went off in a stream just like Wells, here, almost as though it were memorized, also taking my head off for taking her lord's name in vain [Jesus] all the time, and has not spoken to me since. Slaughtering Palestinians is perfectly justified in her tertiary psychopath eyes, and should be upheld as righteous, while using an epithet, invoking Jesus, or the Lord, or just plain God, that has for my whole life been popular with nearly everybody, devout Christians and heathens alike, is a... sin.

So, yes, it's easily recognizable when you've had a little experience.

always and any time....