invest in total health
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I have to say that even if you are not solvent enough to consider paying for subscriptions to websites, I think you should try to make your math cover a subscription to the Solari Report. It's not just about money. It's about the real things that affect your ability to prosper from someone, finally, who can see deeply enough into the actual to present you with sound options.
I want you to do it so you will stop thinking I'm merely being colorful. I mean, yes, I am almost always being colorful, but not merely colorful. Being colorful for colorfulness' sake is just silly, takes the wallop out vivid, takes the energy out of clowns, drains meaning out of the flow of nutrients to your spirit.
You can't keep wasting your very life on people who won't bring up anything that is vital but not of the official line. You will be killed, at least in spirit, but maybe even in body, if you keep listening to mainstream approved "experts" to plot out your way through these lunatic times. Do you want to start getting information about how you might feasibly make a start toward getting a decent world back? One with the toxins stripped out? One with the corruption stripped out? One where feeding yourself doesn't mean taking the food out of someone else's mouth? One where however much or little money you have is working to benefit your friends and family and neighbors instead of psychopaths? One where you are fit to bring others out of slavery too?
Subscribe if you possibly can. Maybe you can't. But maybe you could eke out enough for six months and you could spend that time catching up on a lot of things that would at least help straighten your head enough to keep it up on your own afterward.
Not to mention she has the sense to also interview Joseph Farrell... not as often as GeorgeAnn does [here and here latest] but regularly anyway.
always and any time....