compare and contrast

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Hierarchy and Egalitarianism. Brutality and Real Strength. Aggression and Firmness. Henrik and Michael. Funny, ain't it, that Michael is the fiery one who recommended this little meditation on egalitarianism and Henrik is the shy one who's suddenly thumping his chest to defend the hierarchy. It's really the difference between security and insecurity, between a healthy ego and a sick one.

Someone, decades ago, who I didn't respect much, put forth the notion that one has to have a healthy ego to be able to drop it. It sounds both ripe with possibility and oxymoronic, but right here today we have a pretty good situation of contrast to illustrate it. I still don't think turning the ancients on their heads will wake people up, but maybe it will get their egos healthy enough that it will be possible eventually.


BTW Michael also recommended this bit from Nassim.


Listening to Patrick Henningsen talking to Henrik about ISIS — I just work here — Henningsen is talking about how we've never had this many awake and street smart people, dealing with Caligula-types running the culture, the only way forward is self-education and connecting dots and putting things into context, this latter being the thing they will not teach you or tell you or ever mention, that you have to be a little bit smarter than the next guy to make it through, and Henrik's rejoinder is that "we are in a place now where we have an awful lot of 'low IQs' and 'dysgenics' too."

Got that? It's not just the dumbed down who don't yet know they have to snap out of it, or even the people so toxified by poison food and air and water and medicine they can't think, but now they are flat out defectives, lower order homo-sapiens.

always and any time....