cnn's twisting knickers
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They say the psychopaths are now hot on the trail of a new leaker, since this, sez them and I haven't checked, refers to stuff dated in August of 2013, after Snowden had already come out.
I say, "Viva viva viva leakers!" More and more and more and more are needed to turn back the tide of annihilation. Hurry the fuck up, in fact. Stop being so immortally cautious the psychopaths can take it before we've begun to fight. The Intercept is practically a dead letter it's taken so long.
Everyone! Man up! Quit fizzing out into your oceans of paranoia, and perform! Innocents are already being turned into mist behind this at an horrific clip! It. Is. Going. To. Get. Worse. It is struggling hard to get so much worse you won't live through it. They are throwing caution to the wind. You have to stop just sitting there gaping in incredulity!
Snap out of it!
always and any time....
agent bb2
they can't control grownups