wonder why they held it then
[click image]
And, much as I love Jim Marrs, and I so do, same old shit. If you have not heard it before, though, you are going to like it a lot.
And, stop me if I'm wrong, but aren't those Morningstar's "never-seen-before" NASA images of the far side of the moon? The same ones Hoagland's got? Or were those different never-seen-before images plastered all over the intertubes that Jim Marrs has been showing for years?
That blaring Democracy Now! thing made me crabby, but, well, I keep smelling that rat and maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so. The guys who do "the circuit" for fun and profit are fucking with those who are trying to get some real research out to people who are interested in the truth. It's as though they wished to try to keep someone from attending the one I just left… not that I'm a conspiracy theorist or anything.
I'm not accusing Marrs of that. I'm sure he just responded to an invitation, but funny about the scheduling innit? And funny how those moon pictures keep popping up all over the place and yet remain so never-seen. I must just be bleary from gaping at moonscapes so everywhere for so long.
always and any time....