what makes your brain work?
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I admit I would have locked my children in a padded room with gym equipment and a slot through which I would have poked clean nutrients and books. It was my plan to turn them loose on the world on their 35th birthdays, but, in the end I had to admit to myself that this world is no way to treat someone you love, and skipped the reproduction part. Yes, yes, my hormones were howling at me in my mid-thirties, but I kept my resolve despite all.
Ovulation during this time of my life was horrific. I would be seized by desire to drag any male who walked by my house into the bushes. I almost pulled my geriatric dentist down into the chair with me. I'm telling you, it's no laughing matter. I would be in my house gripping my industrial fire door desk, when all I had to do was go stick my pinky in through the door of any bar and immediate conception would have taken place. No worries whatsoever about takers. Just worries about the theoretical children of such moves.
Except, dammit, you kept right on bringing children into this mess.
Compounding it.
It was the sugar.
always and any time....