too scary for me

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Always. Old Uncle Dave and I once caught him and his brother, Edgar, at the Raven in Healdsburg. It was the loudest thing anyone ever did in the history of mankind on this planet. It was so loud it was pressing some kind of G-force on our faces the whole time. I mean, I think it was probably pretty good but hard to tell when you know your eardrum will rip if you turn your head to the wrong tangent with the decibels.

I remember Elton John being the only unpardonably-loud rocker up to that point, but the Winters pretty much pinned us to our seats and I was still ambulatory at the Elton John gig, so they took the cake.

Both of them were just scary looking, but Johnny more than Edgar. Even so, whatever happened. I hope he didn't suffer.


Before it got so loud....

always and any time....