the meaning of life

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It is amazing to me I should find this just now, as I am thinking about pointing out to you that there isn't anything we are fretting about just now that hadn't already been published by approximately the year of my birth. Yes, all of it. I am being reminded of this by my recent aural foray into ignoring the fiction passing itself off as news. I've been listening to the world views and private dreads of actual humans passing it off as fiction.

Yes, all of it....

In fact, I do let myself wonder sometimes if this pack of psychopaths pulling everyone's strings isn't really just the consequence of our having dreamed up so many Bond villains. I mean, it is completely asinine to suppose all this happens because our leaders are stupid and can't see the consequences of their action and inaction, that all this bad stuff just flows from bureaucrats' failure to assess things objectively. There are certain things that can be known positively, and a couple of them are that they are lying full time and do what they are told.

But who are the controllers? And do they simply take their cues from our published dreads or do they think it up themselves? Is there any possibility that it is only our dreads... that the urgency of our dreading alone is all that causes them to act the way they do?

always and any time....