the first prophetic dream i completely remember

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Took place on the last night of the summer before I started high school. I think I wasn't all the way asleep, that the radio was playing White Rabbit and I was dreaming to it. I was in a park, this song playing loud and clear. A groundsman in a white jumpsuit had fallen in love with me and was chasing me across the grass. I tripped on a tree root and he fell upon me. His face was just inches from mine, full of lust, when I woke up.

The next day, Freshmen Orientation Day, trying the combination on my locker, I discovered the boy whose locker was right next to mine was the groundsman who was chasing me just the night before. I'd never seen him before the dream. There he was right in front of me in the flesh, and I fell ass over tea kettle for him on the spot.

always and any time....