stultifying regularity

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I don't care how many of them you want to chalk up as bogus, there are too damn many for them all to be hoaxes... and the forms and aeronautics seen are all reasonable sequela of a physics earthlings have had since Maxwell. That physics is engineerable into what we are observing with such well-documented regularity lately... except for maybe those amoeba-like jobs. I'm not sure about those.

Those could be critters. Space critters or atmosphere critters like we have critters in puddles and ponds and we just were never able to see them before we developed these fancy modes of visualizing things... like we never saw the pond amoebae before the microscope. That is a distinct possibility.

That would fit with every child's idea that we are but a cell inside a cosmic giant who is but a cell in an even bigger cosmic giant. Those space amoebae could be the cosmic immune system or the waiting spirits of our unborn children for all we know.

The one thing I'm positive about is the fucks have kept mankind from the truth and from freer better truer cleaner lives for fun and profit.

always and any time....