other words for control

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Factionalizing billions of people is the mandate of controllers. Encouraging them to view differences in economic success as actual measures of relative worth and differences in creative output as actual measures of individuality is what makes all the squirming love pots split into easily manageable factions. Let's just shorten that old saw divide-and-conquer to factions-lose.

Do you really need to be told "egalitarian" doesn't mean a global mass of herd animals? That equality does not mean sameness? That I being worth as much to the set of all sentient beings as, say, Vladimir Putin, who is performing way, way, way above par, does not mean life itself doesn't look upon him the same as some old blogger on the rez? That what makes him go is not as precious as what keeps me over a barrel? Are we that disconnected from fundamental reality that we cannot separate economic and political and species value from the fact of existence itself?

I'm going to tell you till I drop that I would rather die than see him killed, but that is mine, not yours, not ours, and doesn't shave a hair off the fact of our fundamental equality. The ancient Cherokee were not confused about this. They were so egalitarian I haven't found a solid example of another society anywhere near them in this regard. People rose to prominence in Cherokee society based on performance, based on merit, based on their individual value to the people. This was not based on money. This was not based on family power. This was not based on war. This was not based on anything but the individual's ability to embody the imperatives of living itself... not limited simply to the people... not exclusive to males or females.

No one was sacrificed. Psychopaths were dealt with. The strong made up for the deficits of the weak. The weak made up the deficits of the strong. The timid made up for the weaknesses of the courageous. The courageous made up for the weaknesses of the timid. The positive progressively made up for and surpassed the negative. Cherokee people became ever more complementary to life on earth.

Until, of course, the advent of a sustained presence of Western "civilization".

Have I shut out the psychopaths so completely I don't hear them doing anything like trying to turn humanity into one big collective that spits out individuals like steak gristle? Are libertarians just more virtuous incarnations of psychopaths? What the heck is going on here? Is your individuality really threatened by the mere idea of unifying within our multifarious individual differences against a common foe?



always and any time....