okay, call me paranoid

[click image]


But it seems to me it's the same guy every single time shit gets busted for being a false flag. And, I mean, practically instanter every freakin' time. Don't get me wrong. I'm damn certain this is entirely too convenient to our pack of desperate murderating fuck psychopaths, and there's not a snowball's chance in hell Putin had anything to do with slaughtering 298 innocent people, but still....

What's up with this guy who's always within the first hours of some disaster or other coming out with the information that shows these things for what they are? Yes, I am sure a lot of people will go directly to him with their bits, even as he sounds like a total hick who couldn't put this stuff together for real to save his life. And, yes, I'm sure there are armies of good-hearted potential saviors of humanity who get ON this stuff before the first headline's ink is dry, but... it's still unsettling how fast this stuff gets cranked out and how unerringly this fellow is on the case immediately.

We need to have a think about it, no?



Oh, oh, I seem to have misunderstoooood. "Tyler Durden" was the one who had this bit up within hours of the crash.


RT is so slow....


Pesky questions psychopaths know you won't ask.


Wouldn't it be nice if this could really happen and we could trust it?



always and any time....