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They're all not natural.
Large Incident: A wildfire of 100 acres or more occuring in timber, or a wildfire of 300 acres or more occuring in grass/sage.Thirty-six, no purple, no "naturally ignited"....
-Wildland Fire: Any nonstructure fire, other than prescribed fire, that occurs in the wildland.
-Wildland Fire - IMT1: Wildland fire; Type 1 Incident Management Team Assigned.
-Wildland Fire - IMT2: Wildland fire; Type 2 Incident Management Team Assigned.
-Wildland Fire - Other: Wildland fire; Other Incident Management Team Assigned besides a Type 1 or Type 2 team (e.g. Type 3).
-Wildland Fire Use (WFU) Fire - A naturally ignited wildland fire that is managed to accomplish specific prestated resource management objectives in predefined geographic areas outlined in Fire Management Plans.
always and any time....