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My sheriff won! I've been talkin' him up in town for a couple months because I think the psychopaths' minions were trying to take him down for having the audacity to be a real Sheriff.

This meant, of course, I had to vote, even though I'd just decided I should just forget it, quit even bothering to make them steal my vote... clearly, they so don't mind. But also, of course, there was the statewide measure about housing homeless veterans, so I had to vote for that too. And it also won!

I'm not going to waste my breath on the other one, except to say people are SO easily fooled.

I don't think I'd've mustered the strength for it if I had not seen my sheriff state clearly to the state government he would not enforce unconstitutional laws. I hope now that they've tried to run a triangulation of candidates to take away his clear majority support and failed, I hope they only resort to rigging the vote next time... aren't so impatient they try to nix him in their usual manner... but I talked to him on the phone. I got the shot in the arm I needed, and if he is willing to risk his life to save me from psychopaths, I'm going to risk mine to uphold him however I can.

So I talked him up in town and put my mark next to his name.

I staunchly refused to vote for any Democrats or any Republicans or any Greens. I voted for Peace and Freedom candidates where they were running, including Cindy Sheehan for Governor, and wrote in friends' names on every other race. This was NOT irresponsible. Every one of them would make a better official than anyone in those offices now... and I see a lot of my neighbors have resorted to the same mode of voting. Good.


Maybe the people reviewing the trend on their piles of voted ballots will begin to get the hint... the real evidence of what we want and what we won't have any part of anymore. That would help a little anyway. Or all us write-in voters could agree upon some historical hero to write in on all the races packed with psychopath patsies to help boost the signal....


Yeah, I know, sorry this post is so heavily rewritten from last night, but I didn't realize how fried I was at the time, and I had more to say than I got out. Surely you are used to it anyway, and I am trying not to post when too fried. Trouble is, part of being so fried is forgetting you are too fried for what you're doing. I have to re-titrate the balance between friedness and my unwillingness to take pills sometimes, but my unwillingness sometimes is gets the better of me.


Oh, crikey... there's going to be a runoff in November. This local stuff used to get decided in the primary... sheesh. I'm old.