ya knooooow

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There are some denizens of the great nation of Out There who insist some of the deep underground tunnels are full of water... subs can traverse the continent under your feet. Just showing off some of the vast storehouse of information packed in this doctoral candidate's noggin....


Not since house sitting for Lar nearly ten years ago have I encountered a computer more reluctant to do what I say. You know I've always hated this piece of shit, but it persists. Mom won't upgrade, and the world has upgraded without her. So this thing's something like fifty times worse than the last time I encountered it... even with all the nice things I do for it when I get here. Bill Gates should not have been made rich. He should have been sentenced to life at hard labor.

No, no, the fact this puppy is old is no excuse. It sucked planets when it was brand new.

Anyway, crashing browsers and glaciers visibly moving faster than this machine, don't expect much blogging today and tomorrow... unless I manage to psych this little shit into performance.


The next day....

OMFG... getting ANYTHING done on my mother's computer is just too horrifically awful to speak about. I'll post what I want to post now later tonight when I'm at a Mac. I keep thinking there's a button I can push on this dumb old clunky keyboard that will turn this machine into a Mac. I know that makes no sense, but the reality of this crate is such that one's subconscious just keeps needing to leave for greener pastures....

always and any time....