what if

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What if the entire reason you feel like a big bag of completely impotent crap is that you are allergic to something? What if all you had to do was do trial runs of dietary changes or sinus washes? Would you? Still too impotent?

Or... how about this completely misleadingly headlined piece pointing to something we all might try once or twice to see if it would help us get our mojo back?

I mean, you will pardon me if I suspect wheat is doing it... I mean beyond the fluoride and the crap falling out of the sky... and I'm not even talking gluten... or maybe GMO crop dust or partially hydrogenated soybean oil or the syrup in your frappuccinos... whatever.

Am I crazy to think it's a good idea to try a little harder to get on top of this dullardly failure to get a synapse past your apathy to where you are moved again? I might be the canary in the coal mine. I'm stupidly and counterintuitively sensitive and I might've been down for the count all those years over something that only makes you a little less lively or concerned... meaning, I guess, you just think you're getting old and tired when you are really just being put gradually to sleep by something you can't bring yourself to really believe could be toxic.

One thing I'm darn sure of after all my sniffing around the intertubes is: They are tricky bastards and we only know some of the ways they're nailing us.

Would you perk up if your hair started growing back?