the weather

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Wednesday it was warm. Thursday it was almost intolerably too warm. Friday it was outright too hot. Saturday was another Friday. And then about three or so this morning all manner of wind started whipping in every direction, kicking up a racket, and I was hoping so hard that meant the marine layer was coming to save today.

Well. There is a thin film of something you would want to start calling a hint of a marine layer if you weren't too jaded by all those planes dumping shit on your head all the time, but it's hotter today than all the already too warm ones we've already racked up this week. It's 86º out... and that's with the filmy hint of something or other and some pretty good breeze.

Yer all cry me a river, nines, and I'm going, dudes, this isn't natural! This does not happen, and 86º on the ocean is a completely different story from 86º inland. And this after carefully poring over the weather service forecast. Today was slated to be cooler. Much cooler. And, it's not tooth hurtie yet, which means it will be hotter still before the day is out.


Okay, it's now after 4pm and it's 83º. The sky is milkier on the south and west sides of my house and bluer on the north and east sides. It's still not actual marine layer relief, but offering something more encouragingly like it than earlier. So nature is still trying anyway. That's marginally encouraging. And if I go out and stick my fanny in the breeze maybe my pants will stop being so sticky....


Goddammit! It's 5pm. It's still 83º and the milkiness that was passing for going to be the marine layer is nowhere in sight. My pants are still sopping with sweat and... goddammit, goddammit, goddammit! So is the rest of me! My hair. My face. My ears. My neck. My pits. My tits. My goddam toes!

You have no idea how much shit I've been through to keep myself on the coast where this never happens!




Nearly seven and it's down to a big 82º. And the breeze is dead.


It's 8pm and it just now hit 81º.

You realize, of course, that at this rate I will be verrrry lucky if it dips below 70º by dawn.

Your ideal temperature range for your nines doll is between 58º and 68º....

Shit could happen.


Midnight thirty and it's 73º... no more windows or doors to throw open. So I decide, just for a nice dash of black comedy, to head over to look at the forecast again. YEAH RIGHT. I fell for that line last night. Go consult your overlords more often, would you?


I just looked at the Wunder Map to see that hint of a marine layer thing I was speculating about was smoke coming down from Bend, Oregon. It crossed my mind a fire might be the problem, but I couldn't smell any smoke. But, the wind is right for it and the map shows it reaching thinly down here, and, of course, this north wind bullshit is, though now something like usual, not usual... and it's the reason my beloved marine layer ain't getting to me.