such a prig

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I really do appreciate some of his work, his ongoing efforts to think more deeply about things, but sometimes it's just so thick I could scream. He had, by his own accounts, a perfectly monstrous childhood... including being so hungry so much of the time he was forced to get really creative to get food... not enough food, food at all. This has left him maniacally sermonizing about the proper upbringing of children, probably for the rest of his life, and if he can figure a way to make it immortal, he'll do it.

But here he exhibits my big objection to all these dedicated libertarians we've got floating around out there... and I am heavily, heavily libertarian in my outlook, plus heavily, heavily liberal and... no shit... heavily, heavily conservative.... Looking everywhere for a good word to express my political views, all three of these pretty well cover it... at least as well as some of these gauzy things you see being thrown over bikinis on the beach. So I'm better equipped to bear this shit than most, and still I could just brain him so often.

The other day I heard him saying he didn't want to be any more famous than he is already because it would make his job [of tuning us up] too hard... but, here, he doesn't let the body even cool before he takes her to the mat in one of his "The Truth Of" videos. Corbett does the same shit. Like they are the arbiters of it. Social darwinist jackasses.

I do not put her on a pedestal. I have been done with her for at least twenty-five years... more... because she helped make the Great American Victimhood Jones so popular. The sickening glut of literary types who wrote down — ad nauseam, ad nauseam, ad nauseam — endless iterations of rape most despicable and brutalities too vivid to endure and injustices too egregious to mention, all mentioned and mentioned and mentioned — as though saying that shit were enough to merit a Pulitzer — which it was and maybe even still is — makes me want to take a bat into a china shop and make it powder. Still, she was a good writer who'd had an amazing life, and if she just let the fog roll over her, succumbed to the accolades of psychopaths, well, that's just the usual, and if I don't exactly forgive her for it, at least I try to understand it, Molyneux. Plus, until you've had anything like the same forces bearing down on you, you ought to try to factor that in when you are slamming people for it.

Your unremitting self-congratulation and rabid proselytizing for pure capitalism, pure social darwinism, and utterly unstung bottoms, no matter what the circumstance, is appalling, and puerile. No prob stinging the bottoms to death of those deadbeats who don't or can't live up to your standards, but don't paddle a single one until they've proven they aren't up to snuff. Right? Right.

Coming out with these amazing inventories of people and circumstances so quickly as to insure not only the bodies aren't cold, but the interested public isn't either, and winding up with the reminder of how grateful you are for donations, I suppose, is a good example of pure capitalism and... not wanting to get any more famous than you are, too.... I mean, if I'm out on the street opining my brains out with a donation jar, is that capitalism? And, if, say, I'm doing it right next to the kid selling newspapers, making sure to inventory everyone in the obits and headlines, isn't that me trying to get more famous, draw more people closer to my jar? It ain't righteous... okay? It's a fancy form of panhandling.

Everyone is being "harvested"... wealthy and middle class and poor... and, yes, it is because humans need leaders, but having none isn't the answer, and "voluntarists" are not going to be the ones to lead us into a society where every decent soul gets to eat and lead a respectable life. Maybe they will help us quickly rid ourselves of the indecent ones or a good portion of them, but humans need leaders.

The problem is finding a way to make them not just the natural leaders, because those are heavily psychopaths, or callow egoists, but the ones who merit being at the head of the pack. Those are the ones who have the fortitude to make libertarians stop griping and whining and screaming about being forced to provide for their brothers and sisters. If they'd do it voluntarily, that would be nice, but, assuming they would, and some of them say that, how long before what they actually volunteer falls short enough to kill off what quantum of decent folk who didn't live up to their expectations?

So, obviously, we need a "state"... just not this one.