jon stewart is trying to kill you

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The problem with vaccines is not so much about their efficacy or lack thereof. It is about the toxins usually called adjuvants that are thought to be the main problem. Also, vaccines don't always prevent whatever it is they are supposed to make you immune to, and frequently they actually cause you to get it... or make you sick enough you might as well have gotten it. The sequela of shooting these adjuvant-laden questionably effective and not even usually life-saving syringes full of mystery juice into humans — especially baby humans — have been shown by many scientists not impressed by the so-called "overwhelming agreement" to be actually overwhelmingly negative.

Bean counters are out there doing maths you would never let run your daily grind, let alone your health, your very membership in the set of all breathing entities, but they don't mention that part. They smile benignly... well it's actually a condescending smirk, but you usually take it as a beneficent facial expression... as they jab you, and by the time you are paralyzed from it or back in their office explaining through your palsied tics that you are close to death, few will put it together it was the vaccination they gave you that did it. When you call them two weeks after the flu shot they snuck up and poked you with before you even knew what hit you to say you have been flat on your back with the flu ever since, they will say you probably already were coming down with it at the time of the shot, or, if not, your two weeks on your back were far less agonizing than what it would've been without the shot.

If they had been given the facts in the first place, they wouldn't be jabbing their patients in the first, second or third place. If the bulk of scientists in this vaunted consensus had done anything more than nod as they took in the headline on some bogus study, they would not be in agreement at all. This is the way of "consensus". Someone of suitable stature to get their stuff in a scientific or medical journal, peer reviewed by peers who usually check for typos and wave it forward unless they dislike the person whose paper it is, is good enough for the vast preponderance of scientists... and doctors.

So lethal and demonstrably malign substances get injected into people and it only stops after too many of those harmed by it put it together that the injection did it. This is rare because it frequently takes too long after it to begin experiencing the completely unacceptable side effects. Almost all the people involved in pushing this shit would stop pushing it and start demanding it be pulled out of circulation if they would bother to spend a few hours really investigating it, but they do not bother... and if they might've been someone who really would bother, that hope is dashed by jackasses like Jon Stewart convincing them of the absurdity of wasting their time like that.