it's SO stupid

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I don't know whether to take heart from it or die of mortification. Again I remind you, you need to know your Art of War if you want to keep at least some of your sanity. The driver is the part about whoever has the high ground wins. The rest is seriously important, but that one bit is the linchpin... the one the psychopaths don't yet seem to be able to get a lock on... which... of course... they wouldn't... because... they're psychopaths... but that doesn't make them less dangerous.

Sun Tzu was not just talking about the physical high ground... see Custer. All these ancient masters remain way deeper than most of the people swanning around the surface of this planet... in high or low places. Yes, you have to psych out your enemies before you can win, win before the battle, but if you are the widely-enough perceived bad guy you are going to lose. People will fight villains a thousand times harder than the hardest you can imagine them fighting. They will keep shooting on the way down from being a living thing standing to a dead thing on the ground. They will commit suicide to kill the bad guy.

If you wonder why I keep pointing at the good and decent things the Russians say and do, this is why. If the psychopaths cannot succeed in making them monsters in the public eye, they cannot get their global control, their vaunted New World Order. The people have to be cheering for them. There are cointelpro types plaguing everyone on the intertubes, trying to make Russia, and China, but mostly Russia, look like Zionist monsters, Stalinist monsters, oppressive murderating fucks who mean to blow out the flame of freedom for good and ever. The ones who really mean to do that are the ones who are paying the cointelpro types... the psychopaths... the Western "elite" who really are all those things.

It worked in WWII. The Nazis won WWII. They financed the overthrow of the czars in Russia. They financed Hitler. They brought all their best scientists and financiers and spies and engineers and teachers out before any of them had to face Nuremberg. I know this has all been too hard to swallow when our boys fought so hard, so selflessly, and are still eulogized to the skies for their valor, but just because they were duped doesn't make them so much as a jot less heroic and deserving of our highest praise, our mortal allegiance. The fact is: The Nazis won and the Allies and the Axis lost.

What is imperative to take away from this declaration of truth is all those BEAUTIFUL men we lost in WWII willingly gave their lives to save us from the predicament we find ourselves in now. We can't let them down. You don't want to die to save your brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles and cousins and sons and daughters from the tyranny of vicious psychopaths? Fine. You are still in a position where all you have to do is help keep them clear on who the real bad guys are.

Someone the other day was going on about how Putin is angling to get his Eastern Europe countries back... as though he were a Soviet at heart. It was relatively gently put, and meant to state that Putin is no angel, but it ignores that for at least a decade the United States has been angling to get missile shields installed in those countries. If Russia is attacked, it has no choice but to use nukes, and if the missile shield goes up that choice is off the table. You might think that is righteous, but that is actually removing THE deterrent against the psychopaths. So, yes, I'm sure Putin would welcome all those struggling little blobs of corrupt and lethally deluded nincompoops back into the fold. I would even believe he is indeed angling for it, making sure all of them know much relief from financial ruin awaits them if they can just get themselves, if not formally into the Russian Federation, at least clearly allied with it... at least indisputably unwilling to host a missile shield base.

Maybe this is part of what pisses me off so much about the headless meemees screaming radiation death and nuclear winter. It makes this filthy despicable vile evil life-abjecting pack of hyena psychopaths' missile shield seem virtuous.

Don't be a jackass!

And stop calling the thugs who took over Ukraine "neo-Nazis". Karl Rove isn't a neocon. He is a neo-Nazi. Victoria Nuland isn't a neocon. She is a neo-Nazi. Despite the fact the people running our government are neo-Nazis, they still call others Nazis to a very satisfying effect. It still works to compare one of their victims to Hitler. The thugs on the streets in Ukraine, who took over the government are controlled by neo-Nazis, but those of them who are not billionaires are just outraged bags of testosterone who are devastatingly easy to manipulate. They want a nice strong totalitarian state where real men can rise and feed their families. Of course they do! Their homeland has been in utter abjection to the vampiric psychopath oligarchy since 1991, and it wasn't a bed of roses for some years before that. Some Ukrainians hate Russia, see it as the cause of their misery. Other Ukrainians love Russia, see it as the home they never wanted to leave. Some Ukrainians love Russia, see it as the home they finally want to have.

Which flavor would you pick to provocateur if you were a psychopath?

Right. Bingo.

So either you keep calling the fuckers bombing the snot out eastern Ukraine neo-Nazis, making CERTAIN to connect them to the ones running Western "Civilization" or you start calling them totalitarian thugs or stooges of the oligarchy or American Brown Shirts or something that doesn't help the hypnotized get worked into a lather against Vladimir Putin. He is the one who has drawn the line in the sand around his people, halted the progression of man-eating psychopaths, helping everyone who will endure the endless provocations to give those murderating fucks their lock on global control. He's the one who is risking everything to liberate this planet. He's the one our boys were fighting for in WWII.

So, maybe we can take it as a good sign they're reduced to this juvenile stuff and Armageddonesque rhetoric... that it's too pathetic, too witless, too weak to move the people to all out WWIII... or maybe we can be demoralized by it, begin thinking they're just fucked up enough to damn the torpedos, forget Sun Tzu and blow up the planet if they can't have it.


These are all things it's still okay to mull... still in the public geopolitics realm... but it's not taking into account the secret technology we know, because 9/11 demonstrated, unquestionably exists.

I have been fussing around in my noggin' for quite some time now, since I have genuinely begun feeling so much better, if definitely not besting the sleep disorders, and two things stay high on my priorities for what serve as my energies. Zen. And coming up with ways to make the realities about which they have made sure we can only guess less opaque, ways to help everyone deal with them effectively before they have dealt with us more effectively.

I don't have a good enough grasp of it yet, and may never, but it won't be for lack of trying. I know already the psychopaths have it, 9/11, but I also know Russia and China, in some form or other, do too. Just assuming the psychopaths get beaten for real pretty soon, I don't know what the psychopaths-in-waiting, wherever they are, would do once freed from under the thumbs of the ones operating now. That will be the battle for future generations, if such there ever be, here. I just know some of us need to do much better right now and I plan to be one of them.