it's so much better than just good for your bank balance

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No. Really.

Fields I galloped across on my horse. A creek where I swam and waded and caught newts and horsehair worms and polliwogs. Fences I jumped a thousand times. Homes I have been in a thousand times. Oceans of grass I've rolled in. Trees I've climbed and hugged and that grew up through the middle of my friend's cabin. So near where I sat on a couch with Jerry Garcia, stoned out of our gourds, willing tie-dyed t-shirts to dry faster. I could go on here for hours with the bits of my life that took place right there where we had our marvelous day.

I know most of you don't live close enough to get in on these monthly meetings, but, dang, you might feel a heck of a lot better if you put in the drive time. It has a way of shaking loose desperation you didn't even know was there.

What if your spirit felt up to this world?

always and any time....