i'm just putting this here to remind myself to try listening

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I don't always listen to him, but one time when I was listening and he was making such a big deal of the constancy of the speed of light, I piped up about how not actually that constant is the speed of light and referred him to Rupert Sheldrake on the matter.

That is a devastating thing to mention to a physicist. At all. Under any circumstances. But his whole theory depends on this point. Instead of being snippy or a jerk about it, he looked into it and admitted publicly that the speed of light isn't, after all, quite as constant as he has been insisting all this time. This has won my admiration for the man.

Even if he drones, and even if he has a tendency to answer questions fairly concretely that I don't think physicists ought to be answering that way — I mean, even if physics tends to bear out the spiritual masters on many fronts, I don't think you can get there from here — I feel certain his heart is in the right place and he has shown his good will and decent intent. So he's not a waste of time.

But I'm a little short of that just now, out here in the agora this month, so, so I post it not to forget to check it out later.


I just ran into a headline on one of my health sites bookmarks that purports to tell you "how to get more restive sleep". I know it's not very zen, but this kind of shit makes me want to snap the lid down on this damn laptop. Fucking twats.

always and any time....