i have to admit

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I am a bag of dread and glee duking it out in here over the prospects for my time in Silicon Valley later this month. Most of my dread will dissolve if an alien will just walk up and introduce himself/herself to me. I mean, if it's an alien who's lived here too long I might not feel anything... sort of like I can't really tell for sure if I'm not an alien myself. But if it's a bona fide alien from bona fide off world, I'm so going to know it, and I will enlist their help getting people to stop being so titillated and silly about it... help us get down to brass tacks.

I mean, I already linked the JPF and CAF videos below, but put them on this playlist too so that anyone taking the time to listen to this stuff can tell there are some vital issues at hand that don't really have that much to do with zombie aliens hot for our DNA... with any aliens. Yeah, maybe aliens, or what they've taken for them, started it, but people, headed up by stone cold psychopaths, are the problem now. Whether there are or were aliens involved is only tangential at this point, even if you're traumatized by them and need to get closure. Don't be a baby. The world is burning down.

We need to put on our best minds to suss what is being hidden, prop it up with as much evidence as we can, use our true knowing where there are gaps in the evidence, and more seriously than a heart attack even, get on it. I mean, every single day every single person you ever even think of is either dreading or yearning for the end of the world, right? Right. That's all they can do because they do not have the necessary information to help, hinder, call their hairdresser, or kiss their loved ones good-bye. They're paralyzed by it.

The people at this conference are trying really hard to do something about that.


If you are wanting to just ignore this stuff, might I remind you that stinking wad of putrescent slime, Turd Blossom Rove's despicable words are still ringing in my ears; to wit that:
"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
And he was right, you fucks.

You know and I know that is not the way it's supposed to be.

Whose responsibility is it? Dad's? Mom's? Is that so?

In that case, it's time to go in and brush your teeth and put on your jammies. You can watch cartoons until seven and then it's beddy-bye time for you, kiddo.

No. Really. It always comes down to this one point.

This means you.