actually already obsolete technology anyway

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That's maybe the main reason, aside from all the other planet-healing reasons, all of us should be interested in what's being called "The Secret Space Program"... the propulsion of things... what we already have and none of us get to benefit from... the "Breakaway Civilization" part.

You've got the oligarchs, who might as well be space aliens, maybe a few hundred, and you've got their frontmen, who also might as well be space aliens, but who for sure are taking their orders from the oligarchs, trying to be oligarchs or at least their dearest friends, a few thousand. Collectively, I refer to them as "psychopaths".

And then you have the rest of us, humanity, seven-plus billion... dairy cows.

It's not just me seeing two gorgeous tiny matte black jets outright disappear before my very eyes in 1989, poof, millions of other people have seen pretty much equally preposterous things that just are not preposterous because we did actually see them. It all bespeaks technology we don't get access to... we are not getting access to... to the point where it is more than fair to say we will never get access to if the psychopaths are allowed to keep running the world.

Craft the size of multiple football fields, doing shit like hovering or traveling no faster than traffic and then just darting off at fantastic speeds and even more fantastic angles... silently... completely silently... with people saying the only thing that was at all sound-like about it was that it sort of made their bones hum or the air feel pregnant... what's that action about? 99.9% of the time people are going to decide that has to be space aliens... the kind who don't live here.

They're going to think that because they don't know from Nicola Tesla. Or any of the papers by Einstein and his peers back in the 1920s that somehow never got any play in the popular press, and none in popular academia either. They don't bother listening about the Nazi Bell. They still think, as they were taught in grade school, that space is a vacuum, devoid of anything but... well... space, that if it were not devoid of anything it would be air and since it isn't air, it's "the vacuum of space".

The plain fact is: the physics we are taught are the good-enough-for-government kinds... the kinds that get what they want us to have, and no more, done. These aren't The Physics... the unified field. You don't think we have that. You think science is still struggling for that. A lot of work has gone into making sure you think that and keep thinking that. All these places where that doesn't cover it, that miles long thing hovering a couple hundred feet over your head? Those are supposed to be things you are embarrassed to talk about with anyone.

Yeah, maybe you know you're not crazy, but the fear of others even thinking you're crazy, let alone calling you crazy, is most of the time quite enough that you can be relied upon not to open your mouth. Even supposing you do, then you're just a UFO nut. Fat lot of good that did you.

Well, this technology is terrestrial and comports with the real physics perfectly. Even if there were not so many completely viable bits of evidence lying around in the pages of history, the fact that you are seeing it, even if you've never seen a UFO, everybody saw it on 9/11, means it is the real physics, and there are people who have it and use it.

It's not just a weapon and a propulsion system. It is a limitless and free power source. It neutralizes radiation. It has tons of better than benign applications. You might even call it The Holy Grail.

You can quest after it for the rest of time and, until the psychopaths have been made to serve the dairy cows instead of the other way around, the sign of your success will be your suicided corpse on the eve of your big demonstration of it to the world. There are, luckily, a lot of really smart dairy cows. We just have to figure out how to honor and protect and encourage them.