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They're going to make it your greed that starts it. You just have to feel righteous enough about your grievance/s, and it's on. There's a strong possibility they won't be able to arouse the American public sufficiently to pull it off... but there are already so many people in such dire straits for lack of what has been taken from them by the grandparents of the psychopaths plaguing us now, you better hope you can talk down the gold bugs in your orbit.

Just remind them the coveting of it has been the primary driver of our enslavement for millennia. Time to stop being moved by it. It's just a head trip, and as long as this head trip holds, so do our slave drivers, so do the psychopaths controlling us all. If you can forget their bogus inducements AND their bogus triggers for dividing you from your neighbors, they lose their power and you finally get to live with yours.