there is no economy

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I don't bring this up very often because, of all my closely-held convictions, this one meets the very most resistance... inexplicably, as far as I'm concerned... but... gulp... it's true... dammit. I mean, I don't think the use of money can ever be made to work toward a reliably ethical world, but certainly not in this one. Yes, yes, I'm dirt certain ridding ourselves of it is completely impractically not doable within the short space of time I have left of my life, and that's why I bother with the question of capitalism at all, but this is the first time I have heard someone else just come out and say that all this economic mumbojumbo is nonexistent.

Nothing. Thin air. Head trips. Deeloozhion.

I'm going next to listen to her interview with the main proponent of the Laurel Canyon hokem, because, contained therein may be some evidence of what really was the mechanism between the psychopaths and the music business, even as I do not swallow his conclusions. The fact remains that we need to understand, to whatever extent possible, how the psychopaths operate....


Okay. Evidently he's just published another book and so he's being interviewed by everyone. Earlier I heard him telling Rense that the Laurel Canyon thing predated the whole Summer of Love, antiwar, hippie movement... and asked to opine whether the psychopaths co-opted the hippies or created them, McGowan chose the latter. Thing is, he's got his dates wrong. Thing is, he didn't live through it. Thing is, he wasn't in 7th grade in 1965 with friends whose older brothers and sisters were already hippies, smoking dope and protesting the war. Thing is, it all makes me wonder how good a job anybody ever did with history if the new historians of my times are anything to go by.

I should be used to this by now... from, what to my shock, that putz Jan Irvin responded so outrageously to my efforts to put him straight on the same sorts of mistaken bits of cobbled together cites for a bruised ego concocted take on the motives of various icons. It is outright probable that people digging their history from "primary sources" are going to read them with a bias that completely misinterprets what those primary sources seem to them to document.

One bit that you have probably heard before is the bit about Jim Morrison's father being an admiral... this is a very important juicy bit for all those out there who are breaking their brains trying to show that the whole hippie movement was a DARPA psyop. Except... you fucks... Jim Morrison's dad had a front row seat for everything that was already going on with the kids in his son's scene.

Truly. I ask you, is it more plausible Admiral Morrison put his son up to being a drug-addled pop star to lead the nation's kids astray... or that the people in Admiral Morrison's circles decided to get moles into that scene in order to try to push it whatever direction seemed safest for them?

Answer me.

Okay. Now. Put that together with my insistence that the Summer of Love [1967] came down the summer before I entered High School. And the Laurel Canyon music scene got going that same year. I don't know how it was with the kids in Southern California, but for fuck's certain it was already going on in a big way for at least three years before that. 1967 was when they decided to give it the mainstream treatment, not the genesis of it.

I, definitely a late-comer, was going to Vietnam War protest organizing meetings in 1965... right along with my friends and their long-haired older siblings. The revisionist takes that are becoming popular nowadays give me the creeps... make me feel like humans just can't learn... because whenever and wherever they actually might learn, psychopaths step in to make such a hash of it people's brains shut down again.


Cut it out! You're giving me a headache.

They have no creativity! They are often extremely smart, but it is marked by a distinct lack of creativity. So, yes, sometimes they can think up crap to lead us with... to involve us with... that leads away from our enlightenment... but, mostly, they have to settle for quickly identifying movements and infiltrating them, turning them, because WE are the ones who are creative.

We come up with stuff that threatens their stranglehold every time they turn around. So they get their moles into it upon their first whiff of it to prevent it from turning out right. They do learn. Learning has to stand in for their emotions and their void of creativity. So there are times when they get the jump on us and set up their own opposition to pre-empt real opposition. That's pretty clear, but that only happens where anyone can reasonably predict reactions, and the form those reactions are likely to take, in advance. They can't dream it up.

We have the creativity.

They have the will.

If you never learn another thing, please, keep this bit in mind. It's the way. No matter how much will they apply, they will never have the creativity to prevail on their own. They have to use ours. But. But, if we learn to apply the will, they cannot find the creativity to beat us.

That is the only operant.