sautéed veal shellfish in the rain

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I am swimming around in my sleep disorders again... so tired and dozing, only to come wide awake again... gave it up at about 5:30 this morning and waited until my eyeballs were swimming around in my brain, seeking my throat for the way off face, so I could really go to sleep and hang the time of day. I was listening to a Jon Rappoport talk when this level of loopiness took me.

He was sautéing me some veal in a puddle and pointing to the strange puddle shellfish, sort of orange sand dollars with yellow polkadots, that were the veal he was sautéing for me. There were a lot of outdoor buildings involved... buildings that had rooms and staircases and hallways, but somehow were outdoors anyway... like ruins, only nicer... so sautéed veal puddle shellfish in this sort of kitchen, this sort of pan, was fairly riveting, but still making some sort of higher sense.

Mostly it was Rappoport being quite chivalrous and a good host, but some of it was me off in a room or patio or hallway with one or another menacing stranger staring coldly at me from some outrageous angle or other. They did not frighten me, but I knew I was supposed to be.

I kept trying to talk with Jon, but there was great difficulty. My words were trying to get through that kooky snoring thing where it's not really noisy and the air from each breath just keeps softly escaping your closed lips. It was persistent and making it impossible to talk... and soon making it impossible to get enough breath and so, of course, after a very brief reunion with a very old friend, a nice hug truly meant, I had to wake up again so I could breathe.

It's been raining for about twelve hours or so... between very lightly and darn good downpours.