respect your elders

[click image]


Better yet, respect all sentient being....


I see the neighbors aren't loving it either.


Am heaped here like a dying slug, going through my motherfucking YouBube account. It had been massively malfunctioning on any of my browsers I tried. So, on a hunch, I succumbed to the entreaties to link it to a G+ page. Only some function returned. So, on a hunch, I downloaded Chrome. Pft. Bob's my uncle.

Do you grok what this means?

If you want a functioning YouBube account, you gotta do not just their bullshit social media, but also their piece of shit browser.

They've reshuffled everything again, too. This time disappearing my favorites, and numerous other functions are either hidden somewhere yet to be discovered or gone or awaiting reinstatement or melted in the heat.

I'm sure their attitude is: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

But, they seem to have forgotten about the easements created by longtime free use. In a nutshell, that means each longtime free user has rights. Too bad in our fascist society we cannot assert them successfully.

Anyway, this may be the prelude to my abandonment of YouBube altogether. I've wanted to keep it because I can keep up with the latest from people I want to follow for my blogging or for my general personal interests, but....