not good enough to just soak up the bad news

[click image, pdf]


Unbelievable as any reasonable person surely must find it, we are still responsible for coming up with alternatives. If nothing else moves you, do not forget that those whose alternatives are at the ready, are going to beat your wan hopes to the wire.

I bring this up in case you rely on me to pluck things from [never mind] for you, but, honestly, you should get as involved with that action as you are able. There is one person who never stops coming at all this with positive ideas and beneficial approaches. She never uses you for an anti-capitalist flogging post, recognizes your need to feed yourself and your dependents without beating you about the shins with her transcendentally moral intent. I mean, dammit, you better not desert me for her, but if you are going to desert me, that's definitely where you should go, lest your immortal soul be wrecked, but, shit. You could do both.

I know a whole lot more of you look than ever say anything, so there's bound to be a good percentage of you who could use some help making your finances work for you and your people instead of the psychopaths. Nobody better for that. No. Really. I hate this financial mumbo-jumbo, have been dragged into it kicking and screaming too many times in the course of my life, and despite my best efforts to make it evaporate, it continues to be an imperative for almost all humans in the world, let alone this flaming travesty we persist in calling Western "Civilization". So, I keep my eye out for a port in that storm. This is the one.

If you fool around with the clickage over there, you will find that Catherine Austin Fitts has something for everybody, even us indigent types, but also for people who can still lay claim to the lofty distinction of "middle class" there are all kinds of good pointers and learning tools that come with a subscription to The Solari Report... and then, if you have something like real money, she's even got investment advisory services.

The best part of it is this is all with a view to you living a full life as a true human. It isn't your basic brain freezing obsession with a sort of day trader mentality. It's somebody with impeccable credentials and an impeccable track record, somebody who knows her stuff and can place that within a context of living the code of all enlightening beings... to wit: It's not about pure profit. It's about prospering while making the world better. It's about helping each other instead of them.

And I get to meet her in person pretty soon. The worst part of cyberspace for me is how it never crosses into meatspace. I can't hug you. I can't see you. I can't fwap you over the head with my whisk. Or even imagine what little constellation you are part of. You can't cart the perfect clawfoot to my house via the tubes. We're stuck in this abstraction shooting through undersea cables and bouncing off the ionosphere and beaming down from satellites. Maybe you even have imaginary conversations with me like I have with so many who will be at this conference. Maybe I will get to have at least a tenth of them for real, the old fashioned way, the way we were designed to have them.

I'm stoked.

I'm so critical of so much of it, but, even so, I hope you are certain by now that I won't snap my mind completely shut to it, preferring to contribute my particular way of going without dragging it down by being a jerk about stuff I don't feel like exploring. I will get to practice talking with people who take the existence of all manner of space aliens for granted, just like it isn't weird... or... well... of course, like it is weird, but like it's weird but maybe should not be. I feel I can almost do this... I feel kind of like the first time I decided I really could get over the wake and onto the smooth lake on water skis... which may seem silly, but actually took me a long time to approach, being too busy with all the sensory inputs of just standing up back there at speed.

Heck. It was like falling off a log.