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You may recall I've had them from the jump... somewhere back on my old blog.... I could not swallow, and still can't, the part about how he/she got busted, and especially not considering he, Bradley, was immediately found to be wanting to become she, Chelsea. A sex change in return for getting "busted" is so much more plausible to me than pulling off that miracle of disclosure and then bragging about it online with some guy who just happened to be already owned by the feds.

I don't want to think this. I just never can get all the way away from it... no matter how much hero worship is being heaped on Chelsea Manning. I think the whole thing was set up as either a bid to flush out the real leaker or to cover for the real leaker. Julian Assange would either be completely in the dark or unable to disclose the ruse.

I know a lot of people gave up their suspicions after Chelsea went through so much abuse before trial, but we don't know that was ever actually the case, and Manning would not have implicated Assange even if the whole thing was a total setup, because that would have made the charges so much radically worse for everyone when/if the real leaker came out publicly, before they could shut him/her up... or, though farfetched, something like a real government and the actual America ever manage to retake control....

Bradley Manning may have been put up to it by the real leaker or by the people trying to find out who that was. I can completely believe a kid with his prospects, wanting gender reassignment, would make this trade. It may or may not have gotten as sticky after the fact as we think it did, but by then he wouldn't have been able to back out of the deal. I can't tell for sure if he was from the enemy camp or the willing to take the fall for the original hero, but I can't shake the feeling this isn't real.

I mean, heck, we're so primed to believe in a sort of inverse Kiss of the Spider Woman kind of heroism we could swallow the whole thing, and maybe even Manning took this fall for her lover, but I cannot come even with the notion it was just some overwrought emotional dissonance that made Manning go from being lucid enough and brave enough to steal the goods and get them to Wikileaks and then go "confide" in, mystically — honestly, what were the odds? — the perfect stranger... in a goddam chat room. Even I'd've known better, pre-Snowden, than to think that was secure.

Even if you can bring yourself to believe the culprit would have had some burning need to talk about it, extending that to online, in a chat room, when whoever did it would have known that everyone with access to that information would be being watched like a hawk until the perp was found... nope. Can't get there from here. Telling your shrink or your priest I could hang with, but not this blarney.

Most likely scenario is the psychopaths had nothing and they picked Bradley Manning for a mission to flush out the perp, told him they'd give him a sex change and exactly the sell-out creep to terrify with this story online. Next most likely is this was cooked up by the real leaker and put into play.

Our little handful of truth exposers on the world stage are really the only evidence we have that there are people in the superstructure trying to bring it down, and some of them, like the generals who gave up their careers over the covert nukes last year, are pretty high up. I know the stakes are literally life and death, but, guys, please! Give us something we can sink our teeth in. We're dyin' out here.