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These are the latest two images on Michael Tsarion's twitface page. I wonder, was the irony intentional or unintentional...? Given all the givens, I'd have to guess it was unintentional, but with Tsarion you never can tell. He insists on turning the ancients on their heads, insists on the primacy of the self, in his new mode of, at least according to him, transmitting what they transmitted.

I can tell he knows about that, that that is what he's trying to do, but I'm not convinced he himself has seen all the way into it yet. So if this irony were intentional, that would mean he has.

You probably don't care, but I do. I'd like to feel 100% comfortable recommending him to you, no matter how shook up he might make you, but I'm only somewhere between 75% and 85% on that... which means I'd have to keep qualifying it if I thought you gave a damn.