good omen for the pinheads

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I have been scarred for life by the annual Father's Day race up in Nevada City. It's been at least thirty years since I went, but it was 107ยบ that day, and a bunch of those assholes had to be taken off in ambulances. Also the weekend onslaughts of swarms and swarms of cyclists converging on the public square down in Mill Valley over approximately that same timespan have left me with a very negative attitude about the breed. I feel grateful this craze isn't so thick up here in Del Norte.

I don't know. Not even their own mortality seems to pierce their obsession. They seem actually to think their attire is chic instead of too stupid to look at, too much more like something a bad sci-fi movie would put on grey aliens or something. They seem so proud of their little scraps of lean muscle clinging to their bones and covered with idiotic scraps of cloth that maybe shouldn't even be called cloth if I could come up with a better word. A few are such oblivious assholes, risking everyone's lives by sailing around blind curves on roads used by logging trucks and white-knuckled tourists in rented RVs, that more than once it has crossed my mind to just nudge them off the west side of the highway and into the drink, just put an end to their suspense....

Anyway, since the forecast for tomorrow is still 100% rain, and I won't be on any of those roads, maybe there won't be any deaths. I mean, I don't know what takes hold of people to want to do this stuff, but at least the scenery for this race is much nicer than in the bazillion circuits of Nevada City all these same pinheads will probably also be doing in June....

Just so you know, I'm not trying to rub it in to keep mentioning the rain. I'm honestly vexed by how we can be getting so much and you guys are all down there with your tongues hanging out.