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I wish we had some of this action here. We used to. If they're still around, they're too afraid to pipe up... which is the real suicide... but nobody ever listens to me.


I don't know if you should listen to this guy or not, but he's bringing up a lot of possibilities you would do well to consider, and if it's true Russia and China caused the crash in '08, excuse me, that rocks. I'm serious. The psychopaths have been fucking them mercilessly for so long, in our name, we deserve it. I know they don't want to starve us or otherwise ruin our lives like our psychopaths have done to them. What they want is a stop to the looting and carnage. They have been working very hard not to get there by way of WWIII. I'm rooting for them. I love you, so I'm rooting for them.


Not a foot wrong....