we still josh about kirk's kiss of death

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But, if he were not such a clearly terrible kisser, I probably wouldn't've minded dying... but... it was perfectly crystal clear. I bring this up because I am remembering I was never attracted to him. I loved Kirk, even if I could tell he was not for me, and was so disappointed by everything that came after... until... until Denny Crane.

I mean, we're still asking all the same questions and he's still not even a little sexy, but, dammit, I'm crazy for him.


I am too far off in abstracting again. I'm needing to say, and thinking I have said it, that we have been wondering and researching and stewing in our own juices over this stuff for my whole life. I do that too much I guess. I say everything to everybody in my head and it's so real I forget that they, probably, didn't hear it when I said it.

My point is: There are always too many questions. Questions with answers. Questions we should not keep having. It never gets better. We do go deeper... in every way... but that is by no means all good. The fact remains. People see things flying around that they cannot identify. People insist they have seen or met or encountered extremely uncomfortably beings they think are not from here. Yes, a lot of them are nuts who are making it up, but, no, not all of them, and many of them are as unimpeachable as it gets in our world. So something accounts for it.

There are two things I can say for sure account for a lot of it. [1] The physics for superluminal travel exists; and [2] most of what we think is from off world, is from this one. That's flat. Call me any name you want.

I am not interested in space men. Not titillated. Not afraid. I may be one of them. None of them has bothered to show himself to me, which is very weird right there. That's almost dispositive proof space men don't exist. If it's weird, it's extremely attracted to me. You can bank on it.

I see UFOs all the time. They're airplanes and helicopters and whatnot... usually stars. Turns out all those little dancing light men I keep seeing in the sky are some quirk of my advancing need for corrective lenses. I can take my contacts out and see a sky full of little light men dancing red and green and gold and blue and any combination of those.

But millions of ordinary humans have seen things that aren't anything like that. Serious scholars and engineers have come out to show us the proofs of a private physics, one the controllers don't teach us, and that efforts to engineer this physics began over a hundred years ago. The Nazis were working on it. The WTC was brought down with it. These are proven. Not open to argument anymore. You can disbelieve me all you want, but that's a mistake.

This is why I am now beginning to bring Out There in here... beginning to expend some real energy on putting enough cracks in the lie that the whole edifice of deceit shatters and drops away. I think that's the only way we have a chance.

The only way.

I really want to rename that conference in June, but I'm sure they won't let me.