nobody listens to me

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I have been reminding everyone for at least five years that this has been the plan to avert WWIII announced by the SCO sometime around the whole attempted Green Revolution in Iran, or before. I can't remember how long before then I knew about it, but that's approximately when I started yelling about it. I was trying to cope with my dear friend in Tehran who was duped by all the nostalgic American influence and dutifully hating Ahmadinejad. I was freaking out. Convincing her this was Fascist Theater and nothing like what she was envisioning would come to pass proved impossible. I was beside myself trying to express to her that while, yes, the nuking of Iran and WWIII would succeed in ridding the population of the strictures of Islamic Law, they would be relieved of more serious forms of freedom and prosperity at the same time.

I don't think she could fathom that would really happen. When I pressed it, telling her how much safer Iran was looking to Russia for protection, she still insisted that letting the regime be destabilized and allowing the psychopaths in to loot the country would be a happier outcome for the country. How could she say that? Well, the kids would be allowed to hold hands in public. No more scarfs. Booze. Cocktail parties. Sexy dresses. And the Russians and Chinese would loot as quickly as the West would.

No they wouldn't. And time has borne me out on that. They do business with their friends. They don't loan them paper backed by pure military might alone, force them to spend it on Western Conglomerates and unnecessary infrastructure, and demand austerity measures against the people to pay them back. They provide even countries that are not friends with win/win deals, even when the contracts might make fraternizing with the psychopaths darn uncomfortable.

Anyway, my point is that this whole approach being described by Joseph here is precisely in accord with the plan announced by the SCO all those years ago, and the psychopaths are acutely aware of it. No, they were not granted permission to attend the meetings, not even to audit them, but the plan was announced and may even still be on their website in English. Shanghai Cooperation Organization. I don't want to read through all those documents again to find the salient one/s for you. If I find a link on one of my old blogs to it/them, I'll insert it here later.

In a nutshell, the plan has been for at least five years to slowly divest from the dollar, resist all provocations for war, absorbing the losses from such provocations until the global elite found themselves unable to rig the game against them — us — all of us — any longer. The psychopaths won't fight if they haven't already won, but they will bluff to get back the upper hand, and their bluffs are bone-crumblingly lethal. The free world has been sticking to this plan against staggering odds. When I let it wash over me how much destruction they have absorbed I could just die of my gratitude they did not let it spark the conflagration.

If you don't understand how this works... well... maybe even if you just think you do... buy this book. It's a slim volume and easy to read, even if it does provoke deep thought, much pondering. You can bet it is the bible of most world military and political and business leaders. It is as vital to those opposing them... only most of us don't realize it. Seriously. Even I can afford that book, and it is worth your weight in diamonds.

This is the most dangerous time. The psychopaths are losing control of too many countries and, worse, the hearts and minds of people like my friend in Tehran all around the world who have believed the propaganda about "Western Civilization" for most of the last century. We have seen that many like my friend in Tehran don't believe that Russia is any less tainted by the psychopaths' control mechanisms than we are here in the United States and all I can say for sure is that it doesn't look like it to me. I don't think I could believe that unless I could go stay in Russia and China long enough to get a real feel for it.

Even so, even if I am wrong about that, I'm not wrong about what pulls out WWIII and what doesn't. When the people line up behind the vilification of Putin, whether from the constant barrage of outright lies or from a false flag that is blamed on him or one of his allies, that will herald the start of WWIII, the hot world war. The drums get louder every day. Don't succumb to the urge to call this dumb. This is purposeful. This is the psychopaths trying to work up the moral outrage to line up behind them and to make Putin lose his Zen enough to help them with it. So even if you can't believe he is a saint, which might be understandable despite all the evidence of it I try to provide you, because you have not seen one in fifty years, this is the time where making big noise in support of Putin might actually help him prevent the global conflagration to beat all the old ones a thousand times over.

They're not stupid. They're evil. And, while they will settle for a cold war if they have to, they are not going to be satisfied with it. It will set them back a long way, no? Do they have enough control of the other major economies to shift our military superiority over to them? I don't think so, but maybe the blockade of any media that might educate me better is complete enough to keep me deluded on this point. Even if that is the case, there's still only one choice to help avert the biggest catastrophe in the history of humanity.


A good quote to tack on here:
They don’t need to come from another galaxy. They’re aliens.
even though he wasn't saying it in this context. It applies here too.